Storage box for non-sterile exmination gloves
Idee Beschreibung:
it´s an simple Idea. I´m looking for an Box from synthetic Material to fill in the Original Box of Examinationgloves.In the time i´ve worked on an Intensive Care Unit, I´m often in the Situation to clean an Room after an infected Patient. Open Gloves Packages will disposed. In this Hospital we had on every side of the bed 1 Box of Gloves from each Size. The room´s for two patients. Together 12 Boxes of half filles Gloves for the Thrash.
And anyone of us have opened this kind of Box and were frustrated, because the Box doesnt tear only around the perforation... Now the gloves are free to fall down every time....With an Box outside oft the gloves package this Problem will solved too.
Idee in einem Satz:
Umverpackung für unsterile Handschuhkartons, um Verunreinigungen zu reduzieren / Secondary packaging for Glove Boxes
Open Source > Creative Commons Lizenz (CC BY-SA 3.0)
3 Merkmale / Funktionen:
Improving hygiene, less waste, better optics